GIC 2016 – Sudáfrica

GIC 2016 – Sudáfrica

 Nos vamos a Sudáfrica para la celebración del 23 Congreso anual Internacional de la Respiración.

We are ready for the Global Inspiration Conference 2016
1st till 8th of July in Port Elizabeth – South Africa
 … Breathe South Africa and yourself into Abundance
  • Your breath is the utmost important thing in your life.
  • GIC2016 is a world event where international breathworkers come together to share their breathing and healing techniques.
  • It takes place in Port Elizabeth (Nelson Mandela Bay) – South Africa … For the first time on the African continent.
  • Our keynote speakers will inspire you to have a look at your life from an other point of view. (Find the list of keynote speakers on our website)
  • You can experience the different techniques in high level workshops. (Find the list of workshops on our website, more will be added very soon.)
  • We host the Creative Living Festival on the 2nd and the 3rd of July.
  • On Wednesday 6th of July as from 2.00PM, we organize the O2-DAY on the beach of Port Elizabeth.
  • You can win an exclusive O2CHAiR, the only breathing chair in the world, if you join the 7 day conference.
  • There is so much love and abundance to share.
  • you will be able to experience the power of your own breath.
  • Something magical happens during those 7 days and you will go home as an upgraded version of yourself.
  • There will be so much more surprises and so much unique moments
  • The GIC is a unique experience … It’s MA-GIC!
  • You just got to be there!
Marie Rose Windels
Organizer GIC2016 South Africa
Geert De Vleminck
Assistant Organizer GIC2016

Para más información, pincha AQUÍ


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