Activities Calendar

28 Dec's 2021 - time: 16:45 -

We are going to breathe in the mountains!!
Junto al FUEGO

¡Última oportunidad de este año!

In order to participate in this activity it is necessary to have practiced
the breathing technique – REBIRTHING

Reserve your place!

Breathing is always wonderful!
Breathe in the mountain, frente al fuego, es una experiencia renovadora!

Respiraremos el 28 of December, porque es el día de los inocentes y quiero celebrar nuestra INOCENCIA, no con inicentadas, sino con el fuego que transmuta cualquier energía contraria al amor, que transmuta cualquier resentimiento que podamos albergar, que nos ayuda a subir la vibraciónMaybe you can?

Some testimonials

I have discovered that with my breath, There is an energy source that gives me stability inside of me, balance, tranquility and security. La respiración es el mejor antiinflamatorio y antiansiolítico para mi cuerpo y mente, effective from the first day. "Medicine for the soul". Nativity, Thank you for give it to me.- Encarna Cabrera Sosa, July 2012.

One pass, It really marks a before and an after in my life. Thank you, thanks and million thank you.- Eugenio García, May 2016.

I love breathing in nature with Natividad and the group that is created in each summer meeting. It allows me to connect to the Great Divine Source and heal. I feel that it is a delicious and inspiring gift to enjoy summer afternoons in Tenerife in an exquisite way.- Naomi Vera Rivera. teacher. july 2018

Sign up as soon as possible!

Only if you already have experience!

When you register we will tell you the meeting place!
call or whatsaap: 636 10 57 70 – Nativity

more reserves are not supported for this event.


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