Activities Calendar

16 Dec's 2021 - time: 18:30 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife

We want to celebrate with you the arrival of Christmas and why we invite you to join us the Thursday, 16 December to the 18:30 hours. We will make a simple meditation, basada en A course in miracles and we will ask the master NATIVITY that allows us to enjoy his gifts in our lives, to help us to break the bonds that tie us to our imperfect human creations, to break down the walls of ignorance and separatism, dissolve the deep fears and to make the union of those who have moved away emotionally.

Nativity and NAVIDAD son LUZ, HOPE and love

They say that… Master NATIVITY, who is called “The spirit of Christmas” It is a being of light coming from the upper echelons, and visit to the Earth during the time of Christmas each year.

They also say… that shows an aspect infinitely young and smart, lively, and filling, with light radiating from the hearts of those who have the happiness to accept it and receive it internally.

They say that… Master NATIVITY, by its clear purity and the spontaneous way to externalize her, It could be the representation of the same innocence, joy, HOPE and love.

And they say that… the NATIVITY teacher is like a child who awakens the inner child in every human being, the light that illuminates in difficulties and dangers, the kindness of those who are always ready to help his fellow men…

See the Thursday, 16 December to the 18:30 hours

636 10 57 70
¡Las plazas son limitadas y se reservarán por riguroso orden de inscripción!

It is a free activity and we want to share it with you!


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