The school

Breathing Canaria school

Our mission is to help raise the physical well-being, mental and emotional of being human, through that all domestic remedies have: The Breathing and conscious thought.

It was founded on 1 July of 1998 by Natividad Jiménez Saavedra, its current director. Since then it has changed its headquarters twice. We are currently in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in the Toscal area.

Along these years, School has not only developed its activities in Tenerife, but also in other of the Canary Islands and Madrid, Barcelona, Gerona, Alicante and other cities in Spain.

The School breathing Canaria develops different activities for people with different needs and different levels of practice. fundamentally offer:

  • Breathing lessons
  • Individual Rebirthing sessions (Renaissance)
  • Rebirthing group sessions (Renaissance)
  • day workshops
  • Advanced seminars 2 days
  • Retreats and intensive multi-day camps
  • Training courses renacedores professionals (respiration facilitators, Rebirthing method)


Who will run our activities?

Anyone could benefit from our activities, from children to the elderly, because they are focused on making management consciousness and thought itself and emotions, and practice breathing exercises to increase welfare. Involve the improvement in physical areas, mental and emotional.

  1. our Breathing lessons (with duration of one hour) They are particularly aimed at people with special needs and who want to receive training focused on improving your breathing. The fundamental objective is to create wealth and help people focus on Health, using simple techniques consciously to expand and improve breathing capacity and for different practical purposes breathing as you sleep better, manage stress and anxiety, relax the mind, etc.
  2. the Rebirthing sessions They are focused mainly an in-depth personal development work. It lasts about two hours and ten sessions are recommended, with a weekly or fortnightly, to learn the technique and develop confidence to use the method at home autonomously.
  3. the group activities generally they deal with a different topic within the field of human development, and they are suitable for anyone who wishes to pursue the subject proposed: SELF-ESTEEM, Relations, Communication, Prosperity,…

All workshops and courses are eminently practical. Through simple exercises written and / or oral, individual, in pairs and in group, the student delves into the mental aspects of the proposed topic to discover the patterns you are using and the results they are generating, to later transform them through exercises that will be explained.

In all workshops teach simple breathing practices and meditation exercises.


General objectives

  • The basic objective of the practice of breathing is to acquire a healthy respiratory habit, allow us to oxygenate our bodies well. With this, also benefiting obvious way in the physical realm, get benefit management thought itself and emotions.

Breathable the natural cleansing process and purification, both the body and the psyche. In fact, is the 70% excretory system body.

Likewise, This process is a very precise way to access our inner world of thoughts, we establish and develop different perceptions and limitations to which we are, many times, submitted.

  • Once we have become aware of the beliefs, conceptions, systems of thought and behavior patterns we have and that we are preventing feel good in our lives, we can also, In the school, access training in mental reprogramming techniques. Thus, Our courses deal with different areas that affect major life issues and labor.


Specific objectives

  • Using breathing exercises to focus, relax and thus be more present.
  • Increase self-esteem and sense of worth of our students.
  • redefine, expand and enrich the vision we have of ourselves.
  • Learn to say no and to set limits.
  • Improve communication.
  • Release emotions that prevent us from being well, such as anxiety, stress, the trsiteza,…
  • Using breathing as a basic tool in emotional management.
  • Increase our emotional intelligence, through personal knowledge.
  • Learn techniques to calm and train our mind.
  • Use the breath as a tool to clarify our focus and when planning and creating goals in our life.
  • Learn to reflect to set our goals in different areas of our lives: personal, labor, etc.
  • Use creative questions as an instrument of knowledge and personal motivation.
  • To guide and push people paralyzed by life circumstances, as separations, loss of family or friends, change of employment status,…


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